Creative Cloud Daemons
To stop the stubborn Adobe Background processes from running even when the applications are stopped, follow these steps:
System Settings
> Extensions
> Core Sync
> Finder Extension
> uncheck
#Stops the daemons
ls -d ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe* | xargs launchctl stop
ls -d ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe* | xargs launchctl unload -wF
ls -d /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.adobe* | xargs launchctl stop
ls -d /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.adobe* | xargs launchctl unload -wF
ls -d /Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe* | xargs launchctl stop
ls -d /Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe* | xargs launchctl unload -wF
#Backup daemons and remove them from default folders to avoid
#ghost power guzzling adobe daemons from firing up, when not needed
mkdir -p /Library/LaunchAgents_bkp
mkdir -p /Library/LaunchDaemons_bkp
mkdir -p ~/Library/LaunchAgents_bkp
mv /Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe* /Library/LaunchAgents_bkp
mv /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.adobe* /Library/LaunchDaemons_bkp
mv ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe* ~/Library/LaunchAgents_bkp
These steps will work for a MacOS Operating System, but the general principles will work on a Windows OS as well, sadly Linux OS is not supported for Adobe Creative Cloud Applications.